1000 listening comprehension practice test items for the NEW TOEIC test.

The book 1000 Listening Comprehension Practice Test Items for the New TOEIC Test will be suitable for students and students of English schools because the content of the book is quite difficult. In addition, the book is also suitable for those who have a strong English background and are aiming for the TOEIC 700+

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TOEIC Training Listening Comprehension 860

Being aware of the practical demand of learners, we have designed the series TOEIC Training Listening Comprehension 860 whose questions are taken from the most recent TOEIC tests with the aim of helping those who want to achieve the score of approximately 700 – 900 points.

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TOEIC Training Listening Comprehension 730

Being aware of the practical demand of learners, we have designed the series TOEIC TRAINING LC 730 whose questions are taken from the most recent TOEIC tests with the aim of helping those who want to achieve the score of approximately 700 – 900 points.

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Complete TOEIC Listening Comprehension

Để luyện thi TOEIC thì việc chọn một giáo trình phù hợp rất quan trọng, bộ sách này sẽ giúp bạn vạch ra kế hoạch chiến lược học tập theo từng giai đoạn từ dễ đến khó để đạt hiệu quả cao nhất. Điểm nổi bật của bộ sách này là nội dung của sách tập hợp đầy đủ các dạng của bài thi TOEIC.

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ABC TOEIC Listening Comprehension

ABC TOEIC listening comprehension and ABC TOEIC reading comprehension have been written for beginners whose ultimate aim is to take the TOEIC test. Before you start using this set of book, I would like to remind you that TOEIC is not the kind of general english you have so far been familiar with. Most TOEIC related, materials have special features in terms of their question format and business oriented contexts. You should, therefore, familiarize yourest with the structure of the TOEIC test and some basic strategies to be able to achieve your goal.

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Longman New TOEIC Listening Comprehension

Giới thiệu Longman New TOEIC Listerning; những điểm đặc biệt trong Longman New TOEIC Listerning; About New TOEIC; About New TOEIC Listening test; FAQ những thắc mặc thường gặp của thí sinh; cách học New TOEIC Listening; phương pháp học trong tuần lễ chuẩn bị dự thi New TOEIC.

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